International students

We value the global perspective and cultural diversity our international students bring to our College community and respect the tremendous challenge students embrace by choosing to study in a second language.

We will consider enrolment applications from international students from Prep to Year 12 wishing to apply for a student visa, subject to compliance with minimum requirements and conditions set by the College, and with legislative requirements of the State of Queensland and the Commonwealth of Australia. This includes any requirements to undertake extra tuition to learn English to meet the English language proficiency standard needed to enter mainstream classes.

International students can apply for enrolment by contacting the College directly or Jennifer Messina from Global Learner, our exclusive International Education Consultant. Jennifer is a well-respected leader and educator, both at high school and university level, with more than 30 years’ experience in assisting international families transition from their home country to a new education system in Australia. Please click here to contact Global Learner or email them at


To view our International Student Policies please click here.

Course Credit

Credit for courses completed interstate or overseas are under the purview of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). Below is a summary of the information detailed in the QCAA Policy and Procedures Handbook.

Interstate and overseas transfers: Non-Queensland studies

Non-Queensland studies are courses considered equivalent to those courses usually undertaken during senior secondary schooling by students in Queensland. Students who have completed non-Queensland studies in the Core category and enrol in similar Queensland courses of study may be eligible for credit for previous studies and/or their contribution to set pattern requirement of the QCE, including the 12 credits needed from completed Core courses of study.

The QCAA decides eligible learning and whether a non-Queensland study is sufficiently similar to a Queensland course of study. Relaxation of the studies that contribute to the completed Core may be granted, provided that the student’s previous study demonstrates the depth and continuity required. The QCAA determines the conditions, the set amount of learning, the set standard, and the set pattern a student must satisfy to accrue credit to the QCE. The relaxation is contingent on the student completing an approved learning option within the QCE requirements.

When the QCAA approves an application, results are verified and entered in a student’s learning account.

Non-Queensland studies undertaken in interstate and overseas schools accrue one QCE credit for each component completed in a course of study, up to a maximum of three credits per completed or partially completed course.

When a student undertakes Queensland studies for the Unit 3 and 4 pair and has completed previous learning in a sufficiently similar subject, a maximum of two credits accrue for the previous learning.

As part of the application process, transfer students must provide evidence of results and/or qualifications gained from their previous learning provider/s, and meet the QCE eligibility requirements (see Section 2.1: Eligibility for a QCE).

For interstate transfer students, the evidence may take the form of school reports, an official certification of results or certificates for completed or partially completed senior secondary school studies (i.e. Years 11 and 12); VET qualifications and/or any other senior studies or further education.

For international transfer students, this may take the form of a letter from the Principal of the previous learning provider that confirms the dates of enrolment, year level at exit, and the certificate or diploma that the student was studying towards.

For advice related to QCE eligibility, email To apply for credit for non-Queensland studies, and to apply for relaxation of the studies that contribute to the completed Core, see Transfer students and the QCE or email the QCAA Certification Unit at

Studying in Australia 

For more information regarding studying in Australia, please refer to the following websites:

Department of Home Affairs:

ESOS Framework:

Study in Australia:

A full list of our International Education Agents is available here.

For all international student enquiries, please contact or 07 3262 0220.