Something which I really enjoy about the change in routine a break provides is the opportunity to make headway on the ever-growing pile of books and articles which seem to take up residence on my bedside table. Sometimes it is an occasion to explore and learn something new, whilst at other times a chance to explore and revisit an old faithful. Over the recent break I took the opportunity to revisit my well-worn copy of Simon Sinek’s ‘Start with Why’. This revisit was prompted by our current strategic planning process as it provides such a wonderful opportunity to clearly articulate our purpose, cause and beliefs. Sinek’s Golden Circle is a powerful reminder that a clear sense of WHY provides a way to tell the outside world who we are and what we believe. Whilst the discipline of how, and the consistency of what are key drivers, the inspired clarity of why provides the holy grail of authenticity.
I outlined in my ‘Welcome Back to Term 2’ communication that there would be an opportunity for all parent/caregivers to provide input into the strategic plan in today’s Clayfield Collective. This survey has been informed by the data collected at the end of last year through the ISQ Review and MMG Review. Its purpose is to explore a range of areas highlighted by these review instruments. The survey does not cover all aspects of the College rather it asks further specific questions about a number of key topics which we would like feedback from the broader college community about.
I encourage each of you to take 10 minutes and complete this survey. The survey will stay open until Wednesday 5 May.
The recruitment process for the Head of Secondary is well underway. We have received strong international, national and local interest for this position, and we are currently in the process of interviewing the preferred candidates. With Ms Bolton finishing at the end of Week Two arrangements have put been put in place to support teachers, parents and families. The changes for the remainder of Term 2 will be as follows:
- Audrey Fellowes (Head of Primary) in addition to leading the Primary School, Audrey will lead the Pastoral Care programs in the Secondary School and oversee Student Services. In addition to being an excellent Primary educator and leader during her career Audrey has also taught Secondary School and lectured at a tertiary level. During this time, she has been responsible for the leadership of Secondary Pastoral Programs. We are incredibly fortunate to have this expertise within our current staff to support this transition.
- Vivienne Corness (Assistant Head of Primary) will take on a greater leadership role in the Primary School to support Audrey’s changed leadership responsibilities in the Secondary School.
- Paul Yarrow (Chaplain) and Kathryn Searle (Head of Boarding) have been provided additional time to work with Audrey in the leadership of the Pastoral Care programs and provide the necessary support for the Heads of Year in the Secondary School.
- Richard Hardy (Dean of Academic Administration) will lead to the Teaching and Learning Leadership Team for the Secondary School. I will also provide additional support to Richard and the Teaching and Learning Leadership Team during this time of transition.
In addition to these leadership changes, the following staff changes have been finalised during the week.
- Emma McPherson will increase her hours to full time to provide additional time for the Secondary School Learning Support team.
- Primary School Core Teacher - Over the holiday break Felicity Liang resigned to seek out a wonderful opportunity to become a Primary English and Humanities specialist teacher. We wish Felicity all the very best with the exciting opportunity and have had the opportunity during the week to acknowledge her significant contribution to the life of the College.
- Primary School Core Teacher - Julie Francis is the replacement core teacher in 6L and will also take over the Year 5/6 Coordinator Role. Many of you may know Julie who joined the College at the start of the year as the Student Service Administrator and Learning Support teacher. What you may not know is that Julie is an incredibly experienced educator who has worked in three states, most recently at Methodist Ladies College in Perth, SCEGGS Redlands Cremorne and St Hilda’s School on the Gold Coast.
- Student Services Administrator Student Support and Administrative Officer–Clare Cattanach – Clare will also continue her role with Clayfield Swimming
- LRC Aide Support –Kathleen (Katie) Harris – Katie will also continue her Aide role as per normal in Pre-prep.
What' Happening Primary
Student Representative Council
Over the holiday period the College maintenance team fulfilled a Student Representative Council request of additional handball courts. In the coming weeks, there will also be newly painted hopscotch lines. The SRC are very grateful for the acknowledgement of these requests and thank Mr Churcher and his team for a job well done!
Kids Helpline session on Managing Emotions - Mental health literacy and emotional self-regulation As part of their Well-being Foundation lessons, Year 5 students will take part in the first of a series of sessions on Emotional Regulation on April 29.
Learning intentions for students: • Learn emotional self-regulation skills • Learn "brain-basics" (psycho-education) • Improve mental health literacy and well-being • Know how to manage challenging emotions including sadness, anxiety and anger
For further information about this session click here.
Playing our part to build a national picture of child health This term, our school, along with thousands of others across the country will begin preparations for the fifth Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). The AEDC gives us a national picture of the development, health and well-being of children in their first year of full-time school. Since 2009, the census results have helped communities, schools and governments plan services and develop better policies to target support for children and families.
Children do not miss any class time, and parents/carers do not need to supply schools with any new information for the census. The AEDC gives us data at a school and community level. It is not an assessment of individual children. By completing the assessments teachers can become more aware of the needs of individual children and the class as a whole. The census results are useful in planning for transitions to Year 1 and developing class programs.
Participation in the AEDC is voluntary. Prep parents/carers do not need to take any action unless they choose not to include their children in the census. To find out more about the census and how communities are using the data to help children and families visit the AEDC website: If you have any questions, or you do not wish your child to participate, please contact our Assistant Head of Primary, Mrs Vivienne Corness, at
Harmony Day Assembly (Prep - Year 12) Friday 14 May – Student Registration for Harmony Day Parade If you would like your child/ren to participate in the Harmony Day Parade, please register via this link.
In the parade children are to wear their national dress and will be representing their country of origin. Further information regarding this event will be provided closer to the day.
Sporting Schools Program – Soccer (Week 3 Prep - Year 5) Commencing in Week 3, students in Prep to Year 5 will participate in a 4 week soccer skills program delivered by Football Queensland. These sessions will be held every Wednesday (5/05, 12/05, 19/05 and 26/05), from 1:40pm to 2:40pm. On this day, students are required to wear their sports uniform.
Mothers' Morning To celebrate Mothers' Day, we will be holding a Primary Mothers' Day Morning on Wednesday, 5 May. The overview of the event is as follows: 8:40am – 10:00am Visit your child(ren)'s classroom to share in their learning. 10:00am – 10:15am Enjoy a special Mothers' Day concert presented by some of our very talented Clayfield College musicians. 10:15am -10:45am Enjoy morning tea with your child(ren) on Leopard Terrace.
We hope you can make it!
Clayfield College Mothers’ Day Stall (run by the Primary Support Group)
Students will have the opportunity to shop for presents for their mothers, grandmothers and carers at the Mother's Day Stall. The Primary Support Group have organised a wide selection of gifts to choose from ranging in price from $5 to $20 including candles, stationery, jewellery, homewares and accessories.
Primary Students will be taken to the Stall during the day by their teachers and will have their teachers and parent volunteers to help them with their shopping. Students are to bring shopping money in a named envelope to school to be collected by their class teacher at the start of the day. They will be handed back to the student when attending the Stall and any change will be returned for safekeeping. Children will take their change and gifts home at the end of the day.
This Stall is a favourite annual event for the children and we are confident that they will find some really lovely gifts! If you are able to help at the Stall please contact Beatrice Peters from the Primary Support Group on
Term 2: Week 2 (Monday 26/04/2021 – Friday 30/04/2021)
Primary Inter-house Cross Country Carnival – Wednesday 28 April Please refer to the attached.
Co-Curricular Activities
Term 2 Clubs Please find below our Club offerings for Term 2. Clubs will commence in Week 2.
1. Tinker Club: This session will be led by Mrs Clark and will be conducted on Monday lunchtimes from 1:10pm for children in Prep – Year 6 in the Makerspace Room. In Tinker Club children will use the fun sets of gears, straw connectors, train sets, marble runs and Lego to create and construct. Tinkering aids in developing creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Please contact Mrs Clark for more information-
2. Needlecraft Club: This session will be led by Mrs Bailey on Tuesday lunchtimes for students in Prep - Year 6. Sewing helps improve hand-eye coordination, brain growth and promotes happiness. The project for this term will be teddy bears. Donations of old fleece blankets or jumpers are greatly appreciated for upcycling into cuddly bears. This session will take place in Room 132 from 1:10pm. This club is limited to 20 students. Please register via this link. Please contact Mrs Bailey for more information -
3. Fun with Maths: This club will be led by Mr Grice on Wednesday lunchtimes in Room 34 and will foster a love of Maths amongst Year 6 students through activities and games. Please contact Mr Grice for more information –
4. Ignite Science Club: This club will be led by Mrs Hart and the Year 11 Science Ambassadors on Wednesday lunchtimes in Lab 28. In these sessions Year 3 – 6 students will learn about Science in a fun and creative way. There will be Coke and Mentos explosions, slime making and many more amazing activities. Please contact Mrs Hart for more information –
5. Tech Explorers: This club will be led by Mr Lloyd and Mr Bower on Wednesday lunchtimes from 1:10pm in Lab 36. Students in Year 3-6 will engage with technology and build their STEAM skills through hands on activities. Please contact Mrs Mohan for more information –
6. Mindful Colouring Club: This club will be led by Mrs Skerrett on Wednesday lunchtimes from 1:10pm in Room 127. Colouring can be a highly effective way of fostering physical and psychological wellbeing in children. While it is a relaxing form of self-expression that stimulates creativity, it also promotes a range of benefits to nurture well-being. Please contact Mrs Skerrett for more information -
7. Sandpit Club: This club will be led by Mrs Finney and Mrs Warner on Thursday lunchtimes from 1:10pm in the Prep playground. Students will gain a number of different skills, both physical and social. Sand play is very tactile and helps children learn about textures, develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Please contact Mrs Warner for more information –
8. Let’s Dance: This session will be led by Mrs Corness on Friday lunchtimes from 1:10pm in Leopard Terrace for students in Prep – Year 6. Due to a request from the Student Representative Council to have music for the children to dance to at lunch times, Mrs Corness will be taking requests and encouraging students to get active, develop routines and foster friendships. Please contact Mrs Corness for more information -
9. Create Connection Club: Ms Mills will be guiding Year 10 House representatives to run different activities each Friday lunch time from 1:10pm in various locations for students in Prep – Year 6. Class teachers will inform students of the activity and location each week. There will be limbo, musical chairs, dodgeball and much, much more on offer throughout the term. This club will be a wonderful way to foster connections and relationships between our Houses, and older and younger students. Please contact Ms Mills for more information -
We look forward to your child participating in the Clubs program throughout Term 2. Further, we hope these additions to our Extra Curricular Program will provide students with quality opportunities to develop their skills during some fun, friendship building activities. Unless otherwise advised, please note that all clubs will run up to and including the second last week of term.
As we move towards the final week of April there is a noticeable chill in the air. The beginning of cooler weather coincides with the beginning of the new term. Beginnings are important! They are full of possibility and hope. These concepts are important to our well-being and to our capacity to make progress in our endeavours. The power of new beginnings comes from the opportunity they provide to ‘do better’. Progress in all areas, including learning, is powered by experience combined with reflective thinking and purposeful action. The capacity to reflect on the past is one of the characteristics which defines our humanity, allowing us to make progress and make amends. Educational theorist, John Dewey discussed reflection as “a conscious and voluntary effort to establish belief upon a firm basis of reasons” (1910).
For these ideas to be useful for young people as they navigate the day-to-day routine of learning at school we need to give them the tools to think about their past experiences and use them to refine their practice. Perhaps this is most easily achieved by suggesting that they ask these questions.
- What did I do last year (in my learning) that I do not want to do again? Why? - What am I proud of regarding my learning last term? Why? - What could I change in the way I approach my learning to help me make progress this term?
NAPLAN Testing for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
NAPLAN testing occurs in May for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It will start on Tuesday 11 May and conclude on Thursday 13 May. Please reassure your children that this testing is not something for them to be nervous about. Its purpose is to gather data so that we are able to create learning programs targeted at the specific needs of students. They can prepare for the days by having a good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast.
The schedule of tests is shown below:
Tuesday 11 May 2021
Wednesday 12 May 2021
Thursday 13 May 2021
Two Papers:
One Paper
One Paper
Language Conventions - This test incorporates spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Reading - This test is based on stimulus presented in a colour magazine. Questions are multiple choice and short written responses.
45 minutes
45 minutes for Year 3
45 minutes for Year 3
Writing - This test requires students to write either a narrative or a persuasive text in response to stimulus material
50 minutes for Year 5
50 minutes for Year 5
40 minutes
65 minutes for both Years 7 and 9.
65 minutes for Years 7 & 9
For Years 7 and 9 Calculators are allowed for the first 55 minutes and then the last 10 minutes is calculator free.
Equipment Requirements
Year 3 & 5
Year 7 & 9
2B or HB pencil
2B or HB pencil
Pencil sharpener
Pencil sharpener
Blue or black biro (for Writing test)
Calculator (for first Numeracy test)
Please ensure that no appointments are made requiring students to be absent from the College during NAPLAN testing. There is an expectation that all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit for the tests unless they are exempt or withdrawn by parents or caregivers. An exemption may be granted to students with a language background other than English, who have arrived from overseas less than a year prior to the tests or to students who have a significant intellectual or functional disability.
Parents who do not want their child to participate in the tests are required to complete a pro forma requesting withdrawal from the testing. This request must be received prior to 3 May 2021. A pro forma is available upon request from Audrey Fellowes – Years 3 and 5, and Richard Hardy – Years 7 and 9. Withdrawal from the testing means that no report will be issued for your child.
What’s Happening Secondary
- This week Year 12 students attended the inaugural PMSA Leadership Lecture delivered by Mr Noel Pearson. Mr Pearson gave a 2041 Future Retrospective by describing what the 2021 Year 12 students will have achieved in the first 20 years after finishing secondary school. He challenged the Year 12s and provided a vision of what Australia may look like circa 2041; a nation with a clear identity – an identity based on an honest description respecting ancient Indigenous Australia, Anglo-Saxon Australia, and multi-cultural Australia.
- The Year 10 girls headed off to camp on Wednesday morning and are scheduled to return on Friday.
- Friday 23 April is a busy day which starts with an ANZAC Day Assembly for all students. There will also be Time Management seminars delivered to Year 8 and 9 students.
- Next week the year 7, 8 and 9 cohorts head of to camp from Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 April.
What's Happening Boarding
We have lots on offer for the girls’ first weekend of term with great weather forecasted.
Friday 23 April Welcome back Year 10 from camp QG Touch and Football
Saturday 24 April Southbank movies with optional swim and lunch 9:45am to 2:30pm
Sunday 25 April ANZAC Day Dawn Service at ANZAC Square, City 3:50am to 8:00am
Monday 26 April Beach day at Broadbeach with other boarding schools 8:00am to 4:00pm
Kathryn Searle Head of Boarding.
Student Achievement
We would like to acknowledge and celebrate some of the incredible achievements of our students over the past few weeks.
Eleanor Myers - placed first in the Future International in every category (All Around, Uneven Bars, Floor, Beam and Vault). She was also selected for the Queensland Team and will compete at the end of May on the Gold Coast.
Isabella McDonnell-Baum - placed fourth overall and received a bronze on vault in the Senior International Group.
Piper Harboe - Piper placed 5th overall on the first day and 6th overall on day two. The scores from both of the days contributed to Overall Placings on each of the apparatuses. She placed 5th in Vault, 6th in Beam, and 6th in Floor across the two days. Piper was further selected to represent Queensland at the Border Challenge in June.
Grace Webb – Due to injury Grace could only compete in the Beam event and remarkably finished 7th in the Junior International group.
Lindsay Webb - Under 12’s, Level 7 placed 3rd Overall (1st on Beam, 2nd on Floor, 3rd on Bars). Lindsay was also selected to represent Queensland at the Border Challenge Competition.
Sachi Smith - U13 placed 3rd Overall (Beam - 2nd, Vault - 6th, Bars - 5th). Sachi was also selected to represent Queensland at the Border Challenge Competition.
Christina Anictomatis - Level 9 U12, All round State Champion Honours, State Champion on Bars, Beam and Floor which qualifies her to represent Queensland at the 2021 Nationals.
Tiana Kritzinger - Tiana competed at the Australian Age Championships and had a very successful week receiving medals in all her events, which she has never accomplished before at an Australian event. Tiana achieved 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal. As a result of her amazing success, she is now being considered for the Junior World Team that will be announced after Olympic trials in June where she will swim 800m and 1500m freestyle.
Meghan Guthrie-Quinn - Despite a disrupted preparation due to illness last term, Meghan came home with two silver medals from the Age Nationals at the Gold Coast last week in the 100m and 200m Breaststroke. She also achieved 1st in 50m Breaststroke, 2nd in 100m Breaststroke & 50m Butterfly, and 3rd in 200m Individual Medley and 200m Breaststroke at School States.
Poppy Stephen - Poppy swam 9 races in total at the Australian Age Championships with the highlight being a double PB in the 200 Butterfly heat and then in the final finishing 8th overall. The cherry on top was achieving the Australian Olympic Trial qualification time and being able to compete with the best at the June Olympic trials in Adelaide.
Poppy also competed at the 'Aussies' on the Sunshine Coast competing under her club Metropolitan Caloundra 'METS' and raced against her 15 years age range of between 150 to 200 competitors in the various events. Poppy achieved the following results:
Individual Events - 1st in 2km Ocean Swim (Gold and U15 Australian Champion) - 7th in Individual Swim (approx. 500 meters) - Top 10 Australian placing
Team event - Cameron Relay (Swimmer, Board Paddler and 2 x Beach Sprinters) - Finals, 15th place - Swim Team (4 swimmers x 500 meters) - Semi Finals- Board Rescue (Swimmer and Board Paddler) - Quarter Finals.
What an amazing few weeks it has been for so many Clayfield sporting girls, their efforts are truly amazing!
Sports Update
QGSSSA Cross Country Our Interhouse Cross Country Carnival was postponed due to the lockdown at the end of the term. As such we will run the event next week on Tuesday the 27th of April. All students are expected to participate in the House event unless they have a medical condition. The carnival is an active, fun outdoor event that gets everyone moving but it also provides the sports department with the opportunity to identify students who have a strong running ability to join our cross country team.
With only three more weeks of training prior to the QG Cross Country event on the 15th of March, training will be very focussed in all three sessions per week. Girls are strongly encouraged to participate in two out of the three at a minimum for the next three weeks.
Term 2, Week 2, Training sessions
Tuesday 8:30 – 11:30am IH Cross Country @ Kalinga Park run
Wednesday 6:45 – 7:45am College oval and Achieve fitness gymnasium Friday 6:45 – 7:45am College oval
Meets: Meet No. 3 Tuesday 27th April Clayfield will not attend due to the Interhouse Cross Country Meet No. 4 Tuesday 4 May Rivermount College, Rivermount Drive, Yatala.
QGSSSA Touch A number of fixtures were cancelled last term, so there will be some rescheduled games and others will be classified as washouts due to no schools in the round being able to play. Details of these changes will come out early this term via email, daily notices and the College App. Please ensure the App is downloaded onto your device as it is the most effective way of getting instant messaging out regarding sport.
Attendance at touch training has not been as consistent as it should be, and at the start of Term 2, we are expecting that all girls signed up for touch are meeting the expectations that go with their signing up. All girls are expected to attend both sessions each week unless there is a clash that Ms Barnes and Mrs McGinty have been made aware of, or because of illness, where again we have been notified in advance. Sporting teams need all members to be engaged, committed and willing to be challenged for any real success to occur.
Round 4 Friday 23rd April Both 8A and Senior A team games are away against MBC, Whites Hill Reserve, Boundary Road, Camp Hill. A bus will take girls to and back from the venue. Full details available on the College App.
Term 2, Week 2 Training sessions. Tuesday 6:15 – 7:45am College Oval All teams Thursday 3:20 – 5:00pm College Oval 10A and Senior A only (Year 7-9 on camp)
QGSSSA Football A number of fixtures were cancelled last term, so there will be some rescheduled games and others will be classified as washouts due to no schools in the round being able to play. Details of these changes will come out early this term via email, daily notices and the College App. Please ensure the App is downloaded onto your device as it is the most effective way of getting instant messaging out regarding sport.
Round 4 Friday 23rd April Opens, Senior A (1), 8A games are away against Moreton Bay College, 450 Wondall Road, Manly West. A bus will take girls to and back from the venue. Senior A (2) is playing BSHS at Fursden Rd, Carina. The match will be a 4.00pm start
Full details are available on the College App.
Training details Tuesday 3:20 – 5:00pm College oval All teams Thursday 6:15 – 7:45am College oval All teams
QGSSSA Gymnastics Discussion are occurring to reschedule the Artistic Gymnastics event cancelled last term due the lock-down. Further details will be released as soon as they become available. This is really fantastic news for our gymnasts, many of whom missed out last year and have again put in so much time and effort in preparation. Keep up the stretching and core work girls and training will reconvene once a date is established.
Volleyball Academy – Whole year program The Clayfield Volleyball Academy officially commenced on Monday the 19th of April, 5:30 – 7:00pm in the PE Centre. More than 25 girls are now registered to be part of the academy and the PE Centre was a buzz of activity this week. Please see Ms Barnes if you are keen to join and have not yet submitted your paperwork.
Winter Sports – Pre season Four new sports will commence during Term 2, with the goal of commencing in Week 3 after camps. If you have not registered your interest and would like to join a team, please contact Ms Barnes.
Tennis 1 Junior team, 1 Intermediate team, 1 Senior team
Volleyball 1 Year 7 team, 1 Year 8 team, 1 Year 9 team, 1 Year 10 team, 1 Senior A team, 1 Open team
QGSSSA Athletics – Pre season QG Athletics training will commence in Week 6 of Term 2. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the Croc Board at the start of Week 4. All girls are encouraged to attend training in preparation for the College Interhouse Carnival early in Term 3 and the QGSSSA carnival at the end of Term 3.
Metropolitan North Trials The table below lists the sports trials due to be held in Term 2. Please note that these dates are for the Met North trials. For girls to attend they need to attend the Independent North trials first and be selected. These trials will be in the weeks leading up to the trial date listed below. Some Independent North trials for the events in April have already occurred during Term 1.
If your daughter would like to trial for any of these sports, please contact Ms Christine Barnes via email to collect the student information and nomination pack -
Please note that the College is only an access point for our students and most information or queries about these events is best directed to the staff at the Metropolitan North office either via phone or through their email. If you have any further queries do not hesitate to contact me via email or on 3262 0286 during school hours.
Students achievements
QGSSSA Artistic Gymnastics Wednesday 31 March
State Women’s Artistic Gymnastic Championships Clayfield had a number of gymnasts compete very well at these championships and I have a few of the results that have been sent through that I can report on and acknowledge their incredible achievements.
Eleanor Myers - placed first in the Future International in every category (All Around, Uneven Bars, Floor, Beam and Vault). She was also selected for the Queensland Team and will compete at the end of May on the Gold Coast.
Isabella McDonnell-Baum - placed fourth overall and received a bronze on vault in the Senior International Group.
Piper Harboe - Piper placed 5th overall on the first day and 6th overall on day two. The scores from both of the days contributed to Overall Placings on each of the apparatuses. She placed 5th in Vault, 6th in Beam, and 6th in Floor across the two days. Piper was further selected to represent Queensland at the Border Challenge in June.
Grace Webb – Due to injury Grace could only compete in the Beam event and remarkably finished 7th in the Junior International group.
Lindsay Webb - Under 12’s, Level 7 placed 3rd Overall (1st on Beam, 2nd on Floor, 3rd on Bars). Lindsay was also selected to represent Queensland at the Border Challenge Competition.
Sachi Smith - U13 placed 3rd Overall (Beam - 2nd, Vault - 6th, Bars - 5th). Sachi was also selected to represent Queensland at the Border Challenge Competition.
Christina Anictomatis Level 9 U12, All round State Champion Honours, State Champion on Bars, Beam and Floor which qualifies her to represent Queensland at the 2021 Nationals.
Australian Age Swimming Championships – 7 – 12 April
Tiana Kritzinger - Tiana competed at the Australian Age Championships and had a very successful week receiving medals in all her events, which she has never accomplished before at an Australian event. Tiana achieved 2 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal. As a result of her amazing success, she is now being considered for the Junior World Team that will be announced after Olympic trials in June where she will swim 800m and 1500m freestyle.
Meghan Guthrie-Quinn - Despite a disrupted preparation due to illness last term, Meghan came home with two silver medals from the Age Nationals at the Gold Coast last week in the 100m and 200m Breaststroke. She also achieved 1st in 50m Breaststroke, 2nd in 100m Breaststroke & 50m Butterfly, and 3rd in 200m Individual Medley and 200m Breaststroke at School States.
Poppy Stephen - Poppy swam 9 races in total at the Australian Age Championships with the highlight being a double PB in the 200 Butterfly heat and then in the final finishing 8th overall. The cherry on top was achieving the Australian Olympic Trial qualification time and being able to compete with the best at the June Olympic trials in Adelaide.
Australian Surf Life Saving National Championships – 16 to 18 of April Poppy also competed at the 'Aussies' on the Sunshine Coast competing under her club Metropolitan Caloundra 'METS' and raced against her 15 years age range of between 150 to 200 competitors in the various events. Poppy achieved the following results:
Individual Events - 1st - 2km Ocean Swim (Gold and U15 Australian Champion) - 7th - Individual Swim (approx. 500 meters) - Top 10 Australian placing
Team event
- Cameron Relay (Swimmer, Board Paddler and 2 x Beach Sprinters) - Finals, 15th place - Swim Team (4 swimmers x 500 meters) - Semi Finals - Board Rescue (Swimmer and Board Paddler) - Quarter Finals
A rest for a week or two and then back into training for the Olympic Swimming Trials in June 2021.
What an amazing few weeks it has been for so many Clayfield sporting girls, their efforts are truly amazing! Thank you to everyone who provides information for this section to me each week so that we can publish and celebrate the achievements of these girls. If any students’ achievements have not been mentioned, please ensure you send through an email to and any pictures if possible so that they can be added to the next edition.
Ms Christine Barnes Head of Health, Wellness and Sport
From the CCOCA
For those of you able to visit the LRC this year, you will have seen the Archives display throughout the upper level. This carefully collated collection tells the story of our College throughout the 90 Years of our history, incorporating the specific topics of Academia, Uniforms, Sports, The Arts, Music, Community Service, Boarding and our Campus.
Our Alumni Archive Volunteer team of Deidre Brandon (1957), Annette Fifoot (1957) and Linda Waldock (1990) have gathered information from the depths of our cupboards, and painstakingly double-checked every piece to make sure the story is both interesting and factually correct. This process has at times been illuminating, even for this group of inveterate College historians!
The display is a living and moving historical record, with a focus section changing frequently, starting with uniform changes across the decades, and currently showcasing the dramatic construction and growth development of our campus to the substantial holding straddling Sandgate Road that we know today. It is the story of our school, told in pictures and artefacts that reminds us all we see today is the result of investment and forethought from those who came before us, in the same way we lay the foundation for what will be built upon tomorrow.
If you would like to visit the display, please feel free to contact us through and we can arrange a guided a tour.”
Opus 1 - Music Concert
Clayfield College OPUS 1 Concert is on Thursday 6 May 2021 at 6:30pm to 8:30pm. To book your seat visit
The Music Support Group also have a number of incredible prizes (See below) to be won. Tickets are on sale from the Music Department now! Prizes will be drawn at the end of the concert.
Youngman and Ashburn House Picnic and Chapel
You are warmly invited to attend the annual Youngman and Ashburn House Picnic and Chapel on Sunday 16 May.
I would like to hear from students who would love to play a part in the Chapel service through Bible readings, prayers, playing an instrument or singing, being part of a play, collecting the Offering, welcoming guests at the door or serving the afternoon tea. If you would like to participate in Youngman House Chapel, could you please let me know via return email or by letting your Pastoral Care Teacher or Classroom Teacher know. Primary Youngman students are encouraged to take on a role in the Chapel service.
We will begin with a shared afternoon tea in the Chapel Courtyard at 4.15pm and our Chapel service will commence at 5pm. Students are welcome to wear suitable casual clothes to the service. Please bring a packet of shop bought food (e.g. mini muffins / biscuits suitable to be served for afternoon tea.
I look forward to seeing you at this very special Youngman and Ashburn House event.
Warmest regards,
Chez Patterson Rev Paul Yarrow Youngman House Leader Chaplain.