Should Easter make a difference in how we feel about, think about, and experience life?
The last year has made many people reflect on the way we live our lives and some of the things that we take for granted. During the pandemic, in desperate situations, people have looked for hope.
People often express hope as positive thinking or a wish for a certain thing to happen. The hope expressed in the bible is not some kind of wishful thinking. For example, I hope that the social distancing and handwashing mean that we can avoid another lockdown due to COVID-19. There is no certainty about this. This isn’t what biblical hope is all about.
In contrast, we have the Christian understanding of hope based on the events of Easter. The Easter story gives us a living hope and a confidence in God’s future for us. Biblical hope is the solid assurance that, no matter what happens to me in this life, my future is in God’s hands and he will raise me to new life.
In the first chapter of the first letter of Peter found in the New Testament. He writes, “By his great mercy [God] has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3). The resurrection makes a difference in our lives. It gives us “new birth into a living hope,” not empty hope, but hope that is alive in us.
We don’t know for certain what difficulties the people that Peter was writing the letter to were experiencing, but we do know that it was painful and upsetting. In spite of their suffering they were people who had a confident, living hope. They were people who believed that adversity and even death itself was overcome by Jesus. They had a certain and unshakeable eternal hope. When we put our trust in Jesus we too can have this eternal hope. This means that we are people of the resurrection.
May you know and experience the living hope of Christ this Easter.
Rev. Paul Yarrow Chaplain
What's Happening Primary
Student Representative Council - Book and Stationery Drive Thank you so very much to those families who have donated to our Book and Stationery Drive to support communities in Fiji which were impacted by the cyclones at the end of 2020. We are gratefully receiving items such as preloved books, new exercise books, new pencils, rubbers and rulers. Donations can be delivered to class teachers and will be collected up until the end of Term 1.
Earth Hour Earth Hour is a global movement taking place this Saturday, 27 March, from 8:30pm – 9:30pm local time. To support this initiative, Clayfield College recognised Earth Hour on Friday, 26 March, from 9:30am – 10:30am. Green Team members were tasked with ensuring that their classrooms turned off all power for one hour. If you would like to switch off too, and support millions around the world, remember to turn off your lights on Saturday night!
Student Class Photos Class photos were distributed to students yesterday. Please check your child’s bag if you have not yet received them.
End of Term 1, Start of Term 2 and Winter Uniform For your calendar, please note that the following important dates. Wednesday 31 March - Last day of Term 1 for students. Monday 19 April - First day of Term 2 for students.
Please note the following change to Winter Uniform for Term 2 and Term 3 Pre-Prep the College tracksuit may be worn. Prep-Year 6 students wear knee high socks. • Boys – College grey with green stipes knee-high socks • Girls – College white knee-high socks
Term 1: Week 10 (Monday 29 – Friday 2 April)
Timetable: Week B attached Primary What’s Happening Calendar Snapshot Please refer to the online calendar, via the CC App or your Parent Lounge, for a live daily/weekly schedule of events.
Primary Sports and Andrews Cup Notices
Primary Cross Country/Andrews Cup Cross Country Squad 2021 (Years 2-6 Girls and Boys) Please see attached important communication outlining the training and events.
All spectators attending Andrews Cup events are asked to familiarise themselves with the Andrews Cup Code of Behaviour.
Co-Curricular Activities
Primary Clubs Term 1 This week (Week 9) was the final week for all Primary Clubs.
Term 2 Primary Clubs information will be issued in the first week of next term.
Next week is the final week of Term 1 and no doubt everyone is looking forward to a restful Easter break. There are a number of wonderful events for students to finish the term with.
Monday 29 March QG Cross Country Meet at St Aidan’s, 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Tuesday 30 March 8:30am – 12:00pm and 7 – 12 Interhouse Cross Country at Shaw Park
Tuesday 30 March Year 11 Soiree
Wednesday 31 March QGSSSA Artistic Gymnastics at Chandler – good luck to all our gymnasts!
Wednesday 31 March Years 7 – 12 Easter Service in Chapel
Wednesday 31 March Year 8.1 Debating vs BGGS; Year 8.2 Debating vs Stuartholme School
Thursday 1 April Student Free Day – Staff PD Day Interim Reports to be published to Parent Lounge (parents will be notified by email when they are ready)
Date Claimers for Term 2
Monday 19 April Term 2 resumes
Tuesday 20 April PMSA Leadership Lecture for Year 12 students
Wednesday 21 – Friday 23 April Year 10 Camp
Friday 23 April ANZAC Day Assembly
Wednesday 28 – Friday 30 April Years 7 – 9 Camps
What's Happening Boarding
Our boarders can now relax and look forward to the upcoming holiday break after a full week of assessments and assignments and exams for Years 11 and 12. Next week, the girls will commence packing for the holidays.
Our Year 7 and 8 girls are excited to move back to the Dorm area for Term 2 and Year 9 will move upstairs into the upper McDonald wing. We are also excited for Boardingware to be launched next term for a more streamlined roll marking, and leave approval and processing system.
Lights Out is a publication produced by the Australian Boarding Schools Association. Please click here to read the latest March edition.
The last weekend of term has a full schedule of activities for the girls to enjoy:
Friday 26 March Year 7 to 10 Social/Dance with Brisbane Boys’ College, Nudgee College and Brisbane Boys Grammar
Saturday 27 March Morning Park Run and New Farm Markets 6:30am to 9:00am
Evening Ice-skating with other Boarding Schools
Sunday 28 March A day out at Mooloolaba Beach
Kathryn Searle Head of Boarding
Sports Update
QGSSSA Cricket Round 9 Results: 24 March Unfortunately, another washed out round this week due to rain; however, IGGS are very keen to play this final game against our Opens team so this game will be rescheduled for next week. Our Division 2 team had a bye this week. They will complete their season next week. Details are as follows:
Next week’s draw – Wednesday 31 March Opens CC v IGGS @ Kianawah Park, Tingalpa 4:00 – 5:45pm Division 2 CC v BGGS (2) @ Kianawah Park, Tingalpa 4:00 – 5:45pm
QGSSSA Cross Country We still require girls from all age groups to put on their running shoes and join the coaches, staff and parent volunteers for some great running opportunities. There are so many benefits from this form of exercise and everyone who can run can do cross country. If you are keen to find out more, please speak to the Cross-Country Captain Sarah Burrows or drop by and see Ms Barnes in Room 1. We are aiming for at least 10 girls per age group to compete.
The warm-up meet this week was also postponed due to the rain and will be rescheduled for week 10, Monday 29 March. This is the day prior to our own IH Cross Country; however, the course is a more challenging one so I encourage our runners to sign-up if available.
Training session details for week 9 are: Monday NO Morning training Meet @ SHERWOOD ARBORETUM, Jolimont Street, Sherwood. Tuesday Inter-house Cross Country 9:00 – 11:00am Kedron SHS Ovals. No further training in week 10.
St Aidan’s Anglican School – Cross Country Meet Monday 29 March Venue: SHERWOOD ARBORETUM, Jolimont Street, Sherwood. The races are run over two loops of a measured 1.5km course, with two hills in each loop. The approximate timing of events will be as follows:
- 4:20pm 17 years 3km course - 4:35pm 12 years 3km course - 4:50pm 13 years 3km course - 5:05pm 14 years 3km course - 5:20pm 15 years 3km course - 5:35pm 16 years 3km course
Sports Medicine will be attendance.
The sign-up Sheet is on the Croc Board. The College will transport students to and from the event. The bus will depart Clayfield at 3:15pm and arrive back to Bayview Terrace at approximately 6:45pm.
QGSSSA Touch All fixtures for our teams against St Hilda’s were cancelled due to rain. These games will be rescheduled during Term 2. Please note there is NO TRAINING or games in week 10.
QGSSSA Football All fixtures for our teams against St Hilda’s were cancelled due to rain. These games will be rescheduled during Term 2. Please note there is NO TRAINING or games in week 10.
QGSSSA Gymnastics QGSSSA Artistic Gymnastics Wednesday 31 March This coming week our gymnasts’ training will move to Monday morning 6:30 – 8:00am. This is the final training session prior to the event and we are asking all gymnasts to attend if possible. The session will go through all competition details and finish with a team breakfast thanks to our Sports Support group. Details of the event are as follows.
Clayfield College Team List
Winter Sports Sign-ups
Planning is underway for the winter fixtures which will commence trials and pre-season training in Week 3 of Term 2. Sign-up sheets are currently on the Croc Board and all four sports still require more numbers to ensure we can offer a full range of teams. Numbers across Year 11 and 12 are strong in most sports. Students in Years 7 to 10 are encouraged to find out more about each sport and consider signing up. Please come and see Ms Barnes if you wish to know more. Sport offerings for our Winter Fixtures are:
Tennis - Currently only a junior and senior team, more numbers are required. Netball - Strong numbers across Years 10 to 12, a few more required for the Years 7 – 9 Hockey - Currently only a junior and senior team; however, more numbers are required. Volleyball - Strong numbers across all teams, but again more Year 7 and 9's required. teams.
Training will commence in week 3 of Term 2 for all winter sports.
Volleyball Academy The Clayfield Volleyball Academy will officially commence in Term 2 and currently 15 girls are registered to be part of the academy. Please see Ms Barnes if you are keen to join and have not yet submitted your paperwork. Our coach for the academy is Amanda Fielding and below is a short summary of her credentials.
Academy Coach – Amanda Fielding In 2009, Founder, Amanda Fielding created GIRLSPORT to create additional pathways for the National Women’s Volleyball Team, both in revenue and opportunity.
As the Head Coach of the Australian Women’s Team from 2006 – 2010, Amanda understood both the financial burden of playing for your country and the struggle of balancing a regular job or university with international travel and competition.
Through Girlsport, she established partnerships that benefited the girls in the high-performance system and established relationships with schools, clubs and nationwide organisations that benefit girls in sport to this day.
With a background in Sports Management and High-Performance Coaching, Girlsport evolved into an organisation focussed on projects related to girls in sport, working with key sporting organisations such as the NRL, FFA, RA and FFA both with the organisations and the affiliates. In 2015, Girlsport purchased the management rights to the Sandstorm Beach Volleyball Club in Brisbane ensuring it was one of the very first venues whose work and profits were put back into girls in sport in the hope that the projects in the pipeline were able to be delivered.
Amanda is certainly well qualified to head this program and the girls will benefit tremendously from her experience, expertise and passion for the game and empowering young women to fulfil their ambitions.
Metropolitan North Trials A full list of Term 2 opportunities will be published next week. If your daughter would like to trial for any of these sports, please contact Ms Christine Barnes via email to collect the student information and nomination pack. Please note that the College is only an access point for our students and most information or queries about these events is best directed to the staff at the Metropolitan North office either via phone or through their email. If you have any further queries don not hesitate to contact me via email or on 3262 0286 during school hours.
Students achievements Thank you to everyone who provides information for this section to me each week so that we can publish and celebrate the achievements of these girls. If any students’ achievements have not been mentioned, please ensure you send through an email to and any pictures if possible so that they can be added to next weeks edition.
Ms Christine Barnes Head of Health, Wellness and Sport
Volleyball Opportunities @ Clayfield
From the Old Collegians Association
As 2021 rolls along, we continue to celebrate the College over the last 90 years. Clayfield College Foundation Manager Meg Graham (CCOCA 1989) and CCOCA Archive Volunteer Deidre Brandon (CCOCA 1957), facilitated a visit recently to Joan Anderson (nee Earnshaw) by 2021 College Captains Claudia Sutherland and Ella Somarriba.
Joan was the fourth student enrolled in our new school in 1931, enjoying an enthusiastic time at Clayfield until she matriculated in 1940, then again in 1941 when she decided to study again as she was too young to go to University to study Medicine the first time!
Joan’s name is forever woven into the fabric of the College history, as she and Edith Logan (nee Jackson) designed the school badge in 1935 and then teamed again to create the school war-cry in 1936. Joan was a keen student as well as talented sportswoman, being involved in tennis, swimming and athletics. She shared her disappointment at not being able to play netball as well, given that it clashed with other sports – some dilemmas never change!
During her time at the College and as a mother to the next generation of Collegians, Joan witnessed great development across the decades. She revelled in telling Claudia & Ella that because they wanted a pool so desperately, the students, staff and families would visit the school on the weekends to dig the hole by hand! An incredibly optimistic task that was only successful after appropriate digging machines were brought on site. Thinking about the changes in the world we live in, the College Captains both agreed that they could not imagine our students today digging for a new pool.
We are sincerely thankful to Joan and her daughter Susie Burrough (CCOCA 1971) for making the visit possible. It is not often Collegians across nine decades are brought together, and both Claudia & Ella will carry the opportunity with them.
PMSA Governance Reform Update
Rebecca Sparrow :From tween to teen: navigating the transition from Primary to Secondary School.
As part of Care@Clayfield, our Pre-Prep to Year 12 wellbeing framework, we are excited to host a series of information sessions for parents throughout 2021. We hope you find the topics meaningful and relevant, and guest speakers insightful.
In Term 1, our focus is on transitions. This content is particularly valuable for parents with children in Years 4 to 8.
From tween to teen: navigating the transition from Primary to Secondary School.
We all want our children to have the most positive schooling experience possible! Best-selling author and trusted parenting guru - Rebecca Sparrow, will share key tips for how you can support your child through this period of change.
Date Monday 29 March 2021
Time Refreshments available for purchase from 5:30pm (P&F Association) Information session from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Location Assembly Hall
Register Registrations are essential as places are limited. Secure your place here.
If your daughter is in Year 6, this night is also an opportunity for you to meet Mr Justin Desmarchelier – our Head of Year 7/8, and receive her ‘Countdown to Commencement’ pack. ‘Countdown to Commencement’ is our transition program specifically designed for Year 6 students moving into Year 7.
Please contact our Enrolments Team on (07) 3262 0220 or for more information.
We hope you will join us!
Upcoming Events
Thursday 17 June End of Term 2
Monday 12 July Term 3 Commences
Friday 23 July 90th Gala Dinner
Whole School Notices
CASE Ocean School
All aboard! CASE Ocean School launching now in Australia
CASE Ocean School is a new Australian study program providing students with an all-encompassing STEAM experience focusing on marine biology, ocean ecology, cutting-edge research, and technologies. Delivered using real-life content, CASE Ocean School also focuses on building student’s personal leadership and development skills by improving higher order and critical thinking skills.
CASE Ocean School inspires a new generation of leaders and is recommended to all students, especially those with a passion for adventure and looking to kick-start their career with 21st century skills. Click here to join the Clayfield College expedition:
Photo Packs
Photo packs have been distributed this week to students in PrePrep to Year 10, and Years 11 and 12 will receive theirs when they return next week from exam block. Parents are advised to check the contents of their child’s school bag.
If you have not already ordered your photo packs, your child has been given a flyer with the unique access code to do a late order. The process for ordering sibling photos will be communicated soon directly to the relevant parents.
Parking Reminder
A reminder to all parents that you are not permitted to park in neighboring driveways. Please park in appropriately signed areas or use the drop off zone. Thank you.
Football Star Academy
St Pius Primary School, Banyo (The bottom of Red Hill Rd or Apperley Street)
Wednesday 14 April - Friday 16 April 2021 Half Day Camp 9am - 12pm ($45 per day) Full Day Camp 9am - 3pm ($90 per day)
Book before 7 April 2021 to receive our early bird special of 25% off the total price!!!
****** Enter banyo1225 at the checkout to receive this discount ******
We are now well into the new year, and the carpark scramble is almost here! On Friday 19th March bidding will open for the online Car Park Auction!
Don’t miss the chance to bid for your very own reserved car park at Clayfield College located behind the Business Office for one whole term!
Skip the daily search for your school car park by bidding for a special, reserved car park that you can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for Term 2, 2021. Don’t stress about drop off traffic and heavy bags, a reserved car park affords you the ease to pick up and drop off your children anytime of the day. The online auction winners will be provided with their very own reserved allocated car park at the College.
About the Reserved Car Park The Car Park is centrally located on the Clayfield College campus behind the Business Office. Access to the College can be made easily and quickly through the gate directly into the Primary school grounds. This position is also handy to the new secondary locker rooms and would be the perfect drop-off and pick-up for busy secondary families. This reserved car park can be used at any time you need to park at the College. This includes parking during the weekdays and weekends and during the school holiday break.
A Car Park Auction – Who Wins? When you bid on a car park, we all win! The winning bidder will have access to a convenient parking space right in the heart of our school, and all our families today and tomorrow will benefit from your investment in our facilities. The Clayfield College Foundation is the philanthropic heart of the College, and as such, it plays a vital role in the College. Funds raised from this auction are directed to the Clayfield College Foundation’s fundraising initiatives. We are delighted to invite you to join in and bid for your reserved car park to support our students’ education.
Auction Terms for the Reserved Car Parks Auction Terms for the Reserved Car Park Auction (Term 4) - Your Reserved Car Park will be available for all of Term 2, from Monday 19 April 2021 through to and including Sunday 11 July 2021 (if you wish to use in the school holidays). - This auction is open and limited to Clayfield College parents, caregivers and staff only. - To bid online, you must register yourself as a bidder. - The highest bidders are to pay their winning bids by Thursday 1 April 2021. Payment can be made by direct deposit, credit card, cash or cheque. - The highest bidders agree to be photographed and published for communication purposes and to acknowledge your generous support.
For any further questions, please contact the Foundation Office by emailing
School Social
Code Camp
Get creative with technology at Clayfield College these Autumn school holidays.
On top of 5 coding classes to suit all skill levels, Code Camp have launched a range of new camps, where students can learn to DJ, produce YouTube style videos and create stop-motion animation short films.
Clayfield College will be hosting Code Camp on 14th-16th April. For more information and to find out what’s on offer head to
Homework Club
Homework Club is available to students from Year 3 onwards in the Upper LRC on Monday – Thursday from 3:15pm – 5:00pm. In order to attend, Primary students must be registered via email to Further, Primary students must be signed out by a parent or caregiver from the Upper LRC. Students are not permitted to leave the Upper LRC unattended by a parent or caregiver unless they are moving to a co-curricular activity. Parents must inform Student Services of this activity when registering their child. Thank you so very much for your assistance with these processes.