On the Australia Day holiday last year, Dr. Cousins, only 25 days into his new role as Principal, and myself met to discuss communication for Coronavirus. The Federal Government had just announced for anyone who had travelled to or through China or Hong Kong, were to isolate. And so the Avoiding COVID journey began …
We are now nearing the anniversary of when Queensland schools went ‘student free’ last year. We remained open for our students whose parents worked in essential services and our learning at home platform, Clayfield Connect, was launched. In boarding, most students were able to return home, however, for our international students, this meant living and learning at school and not being able to leave the Boarding House.
Since COVID-19 hit our shores last year, we have worked closely with Queensland Public Health Metro North. Part of our approved Risk Management Plan to remain open as a Boarding House, is to have any student presenting with cold or flu symptoms, COVID tested, and then isolate until the receipt of a negative result. As our Boarding House has many single en-suited rooms, our boarders are able to isolate safely in-house. This condition, in our Risk Management Plan, has meant that I have spent a lot of time at the COVID Testing facility at the RBWH. his has become my preferred testing place due to its close proximity to the school, the ease of being dropped right at the location and a quick turn-around of results. Over the past year, waiting times for testing has varied from 10 minutes to 4½ hours with results always being delivered within 24 hours except at the peak last year when for a few days it was 48 hours. I need to give a huge shout out to the nurses, doctors and administration staff working at testing facilities, their tireless dedication, tolerance and patience is outstanding and admirable. I have formed a close bond over the year with the staff, so much so that they have nick-named me COVID Kath. I am not sure if this is a good thing or not, I think I would prefer Non-COVID Kath, but I suppose it is a testament to our dedication in having our boarders and staff checked to keep our community safe and of course, healthy. To date, Clayfield College has remained COVID free.
Cold and flu season is upon us once again and we have been busy visiting the COVID Clinic. I urge you to please have your children and yourselves COVID tested if there are symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, dry cough, high temperature and tiredness. Please stay at home and isolate until receiving the results. As the vaccine is now rolling out, we are moving closer to travelling more freely again and hopefully, fingers crossed, international borders re-opening which means our international students, whom have not seen their families since January 2020, will once again be reunited.
Stay well.
Kathryn Searle (Non-COVID Kath) Head of Boarding
What's Happening Primary
Year 4 and 5 Camp – QCCC Mapleton The Year 4 and 5 students and teachers had a wonderful experience at Mapleton last week. Students were empowered to embrace activities such as crate climbing, canoeing, climbing 11m to experience the flying fox, archery and raft building. Throughout each activity the students encouraged each other, worked together and communicated effectively to support one another along the way. Our camp instructors guided us to be humble, respectful and generous, and to be the change we wanted to see in the world.
Year 6 Camp – Noosa Northshore Last week, Year 6 students and teachers enjoyed a wonderful two nights/three days camp at Noosa North Shore. Students learned key surf safety skills and had the opportunity to boogie board and paddle board. For some, these were new experiences which challenged and taught them valuable lessons in teamwork and communication. Students displayed many of the Learner Profile attributes including risk taking, thinking and compassion for one another, throughout the camp. The Year 6 camp was a wonderful experience and many said that they had 'the time of our lives'.
My heartfelt thanks to Mrs Liang and Mrs Corness for their organisation of all camps and the support from Mrs Clark, Mrs Bailey, Mrs McFarlane, Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Robertson.
Student Representative Council - Book and Stationery Drive Thank you so very much to those families who have donated to our Book and Stationery Drive to support communities in Fiji which were impacted by the cyclones at the end of 2020. We are gratefully receiving items such as preloved books, new exercise books, new pencils, rubbers and rulers. Donations can be delivered to class teachers and will be collected up until the end of Term 1.
Britton Shield Touch Football Competition – Friday 26 March Please see attached communication. For those boys, whose parents have advised that they are not participating, this is a normal school day with student attendance expected as usual.
Prep - Year 5 Physical Education In preparation for the Inter-House Cross Country Carnival scheduled early next term, all students in Prep-Year 5 will participate in a Cross Country unit during their PE classes from Monday 22 March.
Please ensure students wear their PE uniform on their timetabled PE days, and have their hat and water bottle. Your assistance in ensuring that your child is prepared for these lessons and that all items are named is appreciated. Sunscreen will be available for students to access at the beginning of each lesson.
If your child is unable to participate due to injury or illness, please write a note in your child’s diary or email their respective PE teacher.
Student Absences (incl. late arrivals/early departures) Parents are asked to please ensure that Student Services is emailed and/or copied in on emails to teachers regarding their child’s absence. Student Services email: studentservices@clayfield.qld.edu.au.
End of Term 1, Start of Term 2 and Winter Uniform The end of term is fast approaching. For your calendar, please note that the following important dates.
Wednesday 31 March - Last day of Term 1 for students. Monday 19 April - First day of Term 2 for students.
Please note the following change to Winter Uniform for Term 2 and Term 3 - Pre-Prep the College tracksuit may be worn. - Prep-Year 6 students wear knee high socks. - Boys – College grey with green stripes knee-high socks. - Girls – College white knee-high socks.
Timetable: Week A attached Primary What’s Happening Calendar Snapshot Please refer to the online calendar, via the CC App or your Parent Lounge, for a live daily/weekly schedule of events.
Assembly: Friday 26/03/2021 – Presenting Grade: Year 6H
In accordance with our COVID 19 plan, only 1 parent per student from the presenting class or whose child is receiving an award is permitted to attend.
Thank you for your understanding.
Andrews Cup Tennis – rescheduled to Monday 22 March The communication for competition day, previously provided remains unchanged. Please ensure you have communicated your child’s transport arrangements via the link within the communication.
Andrews Cup Touch – rescheduled to Monday 22 March The communication for competition day, previously provided remains unchanged. Please ensure you have communicated your child’s transport arrangements via the link within the communication.
As I write this I am conscious that Friday is the National Day of Action against Bullying. In actual fact by the time you read this it is likely that this day will have passed, but the sentiments remain relevant every day of every year. In the broader societal context, it seems particularly important that we mark this day by thinking deeply about the way we treat each other and how we can do better. This year at the College we made a pledge to do just that! I have included it below.
I pledge to use my words and actions to lift others up so they can thrive and flourish in this community. I will show care and compassion to all. I will act and speak in a way that helps others feel safe and valued. I will stand up for and support those who are struggling or facing difficulties. I will call out unkind or bullying behaviour. I will strive to make Clayfield College a place of connection, care and understanding.
The week ahead contains Exam Block for our Year 11 and 12 students. This can be a stressful time but can also be used to alleviate stress if it is used effectively. The key to this is planning. It is easy to spend many hours sitting at a desk with little to show for it. At this time of the year I often share my ideas regarding how to manage Exam Block. I suggest that girls spend some time creating a schedule for themselves which incorporates, learning sessions, rest/relaxation and other commitments. For most students sessions of an hour are the most effective way to ensure that they are productive, but of course there are some who may find shorter or longer sessions more useful.
A full study day which is organised into sessions will result in more productive learning than a day which is seen as a whole day of nothing but study. The table below illustrates this (some of the students will have seen this before).
Planned day of study
8:30am – out of bed 9:00-10:00 Learning Session 1 10:00- 10:30 morning tea and a walk 10:30-11:30 Learning Session 2 11:30-12:00 break (relaxation) 12:00 until 1:00 Learning Session 3 1:00 until 2:00 Lunch Break 2:00 until 3:00 Learning Session 4 3:00 until 3:30 Break (maybe a bubble bath or some yoga or listening to music) 3:30 until 4:30 Learning Session 5 4:30-5:00 Break – some exercise 5:00-6:00 Learning Session 6 6:00-7:30 Dinner Break 7:30- 8:30 Learning Session 7 8:30-9:30 Netflix/Music/Wind down 9:30 Bed
= 7 hours of work + some relaxation, rest and fun = optimal performance
Unplanned day of study
8:30am - out of bed 9:45 settle down to work - Frequent trips to fridge - Distracted by other members of household - Bit of Netflix 12:00 lunch 2:00 back to work - Frequent trips to fridge - Distracted by other members of household - Bit of Netflix 5:00 stop for dinner/ Netflix/chat 7:00 back to work - Frequent trips to fridge - Distracted by other members of household - Bit of Netflix 11:00 bed
=maybe 4 hours real work if that + guilt + not enough sleep = below optimal performance
What's Happening Boarding
Friday 19 March QG Sport – St Hilda’s Gold Coast
Saturday 20 March Morning Park Run and New Farm Markets 6:30am to 9:00am
Evening Eat Street 6:30pm to 8:30pm Year 12 Pre-Exam Outing with Mrs Searle
Sunday 21 March In-house games on the oval 1:00pm to 2:30pm (PE Centre wet weather alternative)
Kathryn Searle Head of Boarding
Senior School Sports Update
QGSSSA Cricket Round 8 Results: 17th March
PINK STUMPS DAY was unfortunately a washed out round this week due to rain. As such no teams played; however, the students still celebrated at the College by wearing PINK and raising money through a bake sale. So far the students have raised almost $550 that will donated to the McGrath Foundation. It is certainly not too late to donate by scanning the QR code in the image and going to the fundraising page.
We are hoping to reschedule the event if possible; however, the games will not count, they will just be played in the spirit of the game and for charity. Details of the rescheduling will come out via the app if a date is confirmed. Next week’s draw – Wednesday 24th March Opens CC v IGGS @ Kianawah Park, Tingalpa 4:00 – 5:45pm Division 2 CC v Bye
QGSSSA Cross Country The girls ran in their first warm-up meet this season at the BSHS sporting grounds in Carina. The course was a flat track; however, there was plenty of rain to make conditions challenging. It was a good first hit out from our girls and they will follow this up with a second meet this coming Monday. All details for the run are located on the app. Please ensure girls sign-up on the transport sheet on the Croc Board for Monday’s meet.
We still require girls from all age groups to put on their running shoes and join the coaches, staff and parent volunteers for some great running opportunities. There are so many benefits from this form of exercise and everyone who can run can do cross country. If you are keen to find out more, please speak to the Cross-Country Captain Sarah Burrows or drop by and see Ms Barnes in Room 1. We are aiming for at least 10 girls per age group to compete.
Training session details for week 9 are: Monday NO Morning training Meet @ SHERWOOD ARBORETUM, Jolimont Street, Sherwood. Wednesday 6:45 – 7:45am College oval and Achieve fitness gymnasium Friday 6:45 – 7:45am College oval and surrounding streets.
St Aidan’s Anglican School – Cross Country Meet Monday 22nd March Venue: SHERWOOD ARBORETUM, Jolimont Street, Sherwood. The races are run over 2 loops of a measured 1.5km course, with 2 hills in each loop. The approximate timing of events will be as follows: - 4:20pm 17 years 3km course - 4.35pm 12 years 3km course - 4.50pm 13 years 3km course - 5.05pm 14 years 3km course - 5.20pm 15 years 3km course - 5.35pm 16 years 3km course
Sports Medicine will be attendance. The sign-up Sheet is on the Croc Board. The College will transport students to and from the event. The bus will depart Clayfield at 3:15pm and arrive back on Bayview Terrace at approximately 6:45pm.
QGSSSA Touch Our Touch season officially commenced last week with the first-round matches being played at our home ground of Shaw Park against St Peter’s Lutheran School. All our teams played very well with scores close across the board; however, St Peter’s was the stronger school on the day. It was a great start and we look forward to the girls improving each week and continuing to be very competitive in the field. Snr A CC 0 vs SPLC 1 10 A CC 0 Vs SPLC 5 8A CC 1 Vs SPLC 3
This week’s draw – Friday 19th March All games are scheduled to be played at St Hilda’s. A bus will take all girls to and from the venue. Pizza will be provided for all girls thanks to generous support of our Sports Support Group Committee.
Venue: Owen Park Touch Fields, 4 Jacob Drive Labrador Round 1 4:15pm 8A 10A Round 2 5:00pm Senior A
Training update Training next week was to be moved to Shaw Park on Thursday afternoon; however, as it is block week for our seniors, we will continue to train at Clayfield on the oval and commence this schedule in Term 2. Touch training for week 9 (Years 11 and 12 encouraged but optional due to block exams) Tuesday 6:15 – 7:45am College Oval All teams Thursday 3:20 – 5:00pm College Oval All teams Please note there is NO TRAINING in Week 10.
QGSSSA Football Our Football season officially commenced last week with the first-round matches being played at our home ground of Perry Park against St Peter’s Lutheran School. All our teams played very well with scores close in most games; however, St Peter’s proved to be the stronger school on the day. It was a great start and we look forward to the girls improving each week and being very competitive on the field.
We are still looking for 2 – 3 more Year 7 or 8 girls for our junior football team. If you would like to give football a go please come and see me or email Ms Barnes or Jo Rogers. There are still 7 fixture games to play next term so it is certainly not too late to join. Just a reminder that as we have an extra senior team this year, our Snr A (2) team will play in the St Margaret’s Draw to fill their empty space. As such, this team will play at Perry Park for St Margaret’s Home games and follow St Margaret’s for their away rounds. Please see team lists on the College App to ensure you know where your daughter’s team is playing each week. Opens CC 0 vs SPLC 4 Snr A (1) CC 0 Vs SPLC 1 Snr A (2) CC 2 Vs STA 5 Juniors CC 0 Vs SPLC 16
This week’s draw – Friday 19th March All games in our draw are scheduled to be played at St Hilda’s. A bus will take all girls to and from the venue. Pizza will be provided for all girls thanks to generous support of our Sports Support Group Committee. Our Snr A (2) team will be away to BGGS, details below.
Venue: Southport Soccer Club - Ashmore Village Park, Mualla Drive Ashmore Round 1 4:00pm Juniors Round 2 5:00pm Opens *Snr A (1) have a bye this round
Venue: Brisbane Girls Grammar Sporting Fields Rangakarra, Sprenger St, Fig Tree Pocket Round 1 4:00pm Snr A (2)
Football training sessions are: (Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend but optional due to block exams) Tuesday 3:20 – 5:00pm College oval All teams Thursday 6:15 – 7:45am College oval All teams Please note there is NO TRAINING in week 10.
QGSSSA Gymnastics The count down is certainly on for QG Gymnastics. The College had planned to replace the blue mat area in the PE centre ready for QG this year, however our order has been delayed and instillation cannot occur until the June holidays. As such QG Gymnastics will take place at Chandler this year. Further details will come out next week. Just a reminder to all gymnasts competing, please ensure you are attending at least 2 sessions per week to ensure you are ready for this competition. Please see the coaches, Gymnastics Coordinator Mr Tim Opstelten or Ms Barnes, if you cannot commit to this.
Gymnastics training sessions are as follows: (Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend but optional due to block exams) Tuesday 6:30 – 8:00am College PE Centre All teams Wednesday 6:30 – 8:00am College PE Centre All teams Friday 6:30 – 8:00am College PE Centre All teams QGSSSA Artistic Gymnastics Wednesday 31 March.
Winter Sports Sign-ups Planning is underway for the winter fixtures which will commence trials and pre-season training in Week 3 of Term 2. Sign-up sheets are currently on the Croc Board and all four sports still require more numbers to ensure we can offer a full range of teams. Numbers across Years 11 and 12 are strong in most sports; however, students in Years 7 to 10 are encouraged to find out more about each sport and consider signing up. Please come and see Ms Barnes if you wish to know more.
Sport offerings for our Winter Fixtures are: - Tennis Currently only a junior and senior team, more numbers are required. - Netball Strong numbers across Years 10 to 12, a few more required for the Years 7 – 9 teams. - Hockey Currently only a junior and senior team; however, more numbers are required. - Volleyball Strong numbers across all teams, but again more Year 7 and 9s required.
Volleyball Academy The Clayfield College Volleyball Academy launch occurred on Monday 15th March and was very well attended with 25 girls at the launch and others interested but could not attend. Further information about the academy will be released via the app and email this week for all interested. If you haven’t yet notified Ms Barnes of your interest, please do so this week.
The academy will provide girls with access, mentoring and coaching from national and international coaches, with a training session occurring once every week during term time. The training session for the next two weeks will be Monday 5:00 – 6:30pm in the PE Centre.
Metropolitan North Trials The following Met Nth trials are being held across Term 1. Please note that these are representative trials and not for students to ‘have a go’ at the sport. Students wishing to trial must be well acquainted with the rules and playing positions whilst also already playing at a club or school level for a number of years in the highest teams for their age.
The sports trialling in Term 1 are as follows: - AFL 10-12 Girls, Tuesday 30 March - Football 13-15 Girls, RESCHEDULED Tuesday 30th March
If your daughter would like to trial for any of these sports, please contact Ms Christine Barnes via email to collect the student information and nomination pack Cbarnes1@clayfield.qld.edu.au.
Please note that the College is only an access point for our students and most information or queries about these events is best directed to the staff at the Metropolitan North office either via phone or through their email. If you have any further queries don not hesitate to contact me via email or on 3262 0286 during school hours.
Students achievements
Metropolitan North Selection – State Championships Ema Costello, Ella Wohlsen, Mali Schwarz, Meghan Guthrie-Quinn, Laura Poon, Madison Edge and Alexandra MacDonell have been selected to represent Met North for swimming.
Makenzie Robbins was selected to represent Met North for Netball.
Jacqueline Buchanan was selected to represent Met North for Softball.
Mia Geere was selected to represent Met North for AFL.
Other achievements Ines Annan-Schmidt has been selected to represent the QC Netball Association in the 13 Years Squad for 2021. This is her second year in a row in a representative squad for QCNA.
Emma Sanders competed at Wide Bay Regionals representing Clayfield College, competing in both the secondary senior novice and preliminary dressage. She placed 3rd overall in the novice and was Reserve Champion in the preliminary on her horse FPH San Dino.
Poppy Stephen recently competed at the State Championships and performed exceptionally well. • Gold and State Champion - Board Rescue (a combination of swim and board paddle) • Silver - Swim Team - four swimmers in a team swim together with other competitors (72 swimmers) • 5th - Cameron Relay - a team of four with a combination of swim, sprint, board paddle and sprint. • 6th - Individual Ocean Race (62 swimmers)
The focus now turns to the Australian Age Nationals on the Gold Coast (7-12 April) and then the Australian National Surf Life Saving Championships (16-18 April).
Thank you to everyone who provides this information to me so that we can publish and celebrate the achievements of these girls each week. If any students’ achievements have not been mentioned, please ensure you send through an email to cbarnes1@clayfield.qld.edu.au and any pictures if possible so that they can be added to next weeks edition.
Ms Christine Barnes Head of Health, Wellness and Sport
Volleyball Opportunities @ Clayfield
Homework Club
Homework Club is available to students from Year 3 onwards in the Upper LRC on Monday – Thursday from 3:15pm – 5:00pm. In order to attend, Primary students must be registered via email to studentservices@clayfield.qld.edu.au. Further, Primary students must be signed out by a parent or caregiver from the Upper LRC. Students are not permitted to leave the Upper LRC unattended by a parent or caregiver unless they are moving to a co-curricular activity. Parents must inform Student Services of this activity when registering their child. Thank you so very much for your assistance with these processes.
Rebecca Sparrow :From tween to teen: navigating the transition from Primary to Secondary School.
As part of Care@Clayfield, our Pre-Prep to Year 12 wellbeing framework, we are excited to host a series of information sessions for parents throughout 2021. We hope you find the topics meaningful and relevant, and guest speakers insightful.
In Term 1, our focus is on transitions. This content is particularly valuable for parents with children in Years 4 to 8.
From tween to teen: navigating the transition from Primary to Secondary School.
We all want our children to have the most positive schooling experience possible! Best-selling author and trusted parenting guru - Rebecca Sparrow, will share key tips for how you can support your child through this period of change.
Date Monday 29 March 2021
Time Refreshments available for purchase from 5:30pm (P&F Association) Information session from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Location Assembly Hall
Register Registrations are essential as places are limited. Secure your place here.
If your daughter is in Year 6, this night is also an opportunity for you to meet Mr Justin Desmarchelier – our Head of Year 7/8, and receive her ‘Countdown to Commencement’ pack. ‘Countdown to Commencement’ is our transition program specifically designed for Year 6 students moving into Year 7.
Please contact our Enrolments Team on (07) 3262 0220 or enrol@clayfield.qld.edu.au for more information.
We hope you will join us!
Whole School Notices
Football Star Academy
St Pius Primary School, Banyo (The bottom of Red Hill Rd or Apperley Street)
Wednesday 14 April - Friday 16 April 2021 Half Day Camp 9am - 12pm ($45 per day) Full Day Camp 9am - 3pm ($90 per day)
Book before 7 April 2021 to receive our early bird special of 25% off the total price!!!
****** Enter banyo1225 at the checkout to receive this discount ******
We are now well into the new year, and the carpark scramble is almost here! On Friday 19th March bidding will open for the online Car Park Auction!
Don’t miss the chance to bid for your very own reserved car park at Clayfield College located behind the Business Office for one whole term!
Skip the daily search for your school car park by bidding for a special, reserved car park that you can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for Term 2, 2021. Don’t stress about drop off traffic and heavy bags, a reserved car park affords you the ease to pick up and drop off your children anytime of the day. The online auction winners will be provided with their very own reserved allocated car park at the College.
About the Reserved Car Park The Car Park is centrally located on the Clayfield College campus behind the Business Office. Access to the College can be made easily and quickly through the gate directly into the Primary school grounds. This position is also handy to the new secondary locker rooms and would be the perfect drop-off and pick-up for busy secondary families. This reserved car park can be used at any time you need to park at the College. This includes parking during the weekdays and weekends and during the school holiday break.
A Car Park Auction – Who Wins? When you bid on a car park, we all win! The winning bidder will have access to a convenient parking space right in the heart of our school, and all our families today and tomorrow will benefit from your investment in our facilities. The Clayfield College Foundation is the philanthropic heart of the College, and as such, it plays a vital role in the College. Funds raised from this auction are directed to the Clayfield College Foundation’s fundraising initiatives. We are delighted to invite you to join in and bid for your reserved car park to support our students’ education.
Auction Terms for the Reserved Car Parks Auction Terms for the Reserved Car Park Auction (Term 4) - Your Reserved Car Park will be available for all of Term 2, from Monday 19 April 2021 through to and including Sunday 11 July 2021 (if you wish to use in the school holidays). - This auction is open and limited to Clayfield College parents, caregivers and staff only. - To bid online, you must register yourself as a bidder. - The highest bidders are to pay their winning bids by Thursday 1 April 2021. Payment can be made by direct deposit, credit card, cash or cheque. - The highest bidders agree to be photographed and published for communication purposes and to acknowledge your generous support.
For any further questions, please contact the Foundation Office by emailing foundation@clayfield.qld.edu.au.
Bullying No Way
Friday 19 March 2021 is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). This is an important day when Australian school communities stand together against bullying and violence. During the day we will focus on strengthening the connections and care within our community. The Secondary Assembly will be centred on this theme and we will be taking every opportunity possible to involve students in activities and conversations about how we can champion kindness and reduce negative behaviours such as bullying in our College.
School Social
Code Camp
Get creative with technology at Clayfield College these Autumn school holidays.
On top of 5 coding classes to suit all skill levels, Code Camp have launched a range of new camps, where students can learn to DJ, produce YouTube style videos and create stop-motion animation short films.
Clayfield College will be hosting Code Camp on 14th-16th April. For more information and to find out what’s on offer head to https://www.codecamp.com.au/clayfield.