If you scan the websites of many schools and universities, you will come across the term ‘global learning’ as a key driver in their program delivery. It is a concept that has emerged from the growing body of evidence about what students need as they prepare for a future that is increasingly interconnected. It brings together the full scope of terms such as international education, intercultural competence, global citizenship and internationalism with a specific focus on learning. Whilst it sounds like a catchphrase, ‘global learning’ is about preparing students to critically analyse and engage across disciplines to solve complex, real-world problems. It requires a connection between the knowledge, skills and attitudes students will require to successfully navigate their future. It moves beyond tokenistic measures of global connectivity by exploring the impact on student learning.
According to Dawn Whitehead (Global Learning: Key to Making Excellence Inclusive, 2015), students can demonstrate achievement of global learning in six dimensions: self-awareness, perspective taking, understanding cultural diversity, personal and social responsibility, global systems and knowledge application. These learning outcomes can be developed through many activities including engagement with international students, studying abroad and participating in service-learning and community-based learning experiences.
Whilst 'global learning' is not a term we specifically use at Clayfield, our students demonstrate many of its key tenets in their daily lives and through their learning experiences. It also forms a central driver for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. As Term One concludes and we reflect on our journey over the past ten weeks many examples of a service focused culture, learning through problem solving and enthusiasm about new experiences are evident. It is these opportunities of service, problem solving and being open-minded which form such an important part of the Clayfield experience.
The end of the term also provides an opportunity to thank, acknowledge and farewell Dr. Craig Johnston who has accepted a role as a Lecturer in History Education and Pedagogy in the School of Education and Tertiary Access at the University of the Sunshine Coast and Meegan Fien. We also wish Nicole Lloyd, Chelsey Holman and James Lloyd well as they commence parental leave. Finally, I extend my thanks and gratitude to all members of the Clayfield community for another wonderful term and acknowledge our incredible staff who seamlessly transitioned to the Clayfield Connect platforms for the closing days of this term. It was not quite the end of term we imagined but I trust that each of you will have the opportunity to create some ‘down-time’ over the coming weeks. Whatever form your recovery time takes I hope that the Easter period provides an opportunity to move at your own pace and recharge, and I look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for Term Two.
Dr. Andrew Cousins Principal
What's Happening Primary
Happy Easter All the Primary staff would like to take this opportunity to wish our families a wonderful Easter holiday. Thank you for your continued support of the College, students and staff. We look forward to welcoming you back to school for Term 2 on Monday 19 April. If any books were sent home during the Remote Learning days, could you please ensure they are returned to school on the first day of Term 2. Thank you.
Please note the following change to Winter Uniform for Term 2 and Term 3 Pre-Prep the College tracksuit may be worn. Prep-Year 6 students wear knee high socks.
Interim Reports The Interim Report will be published on Parent Lounge this week for all students in Prep – Yr 6. Correspondence will be issued to families when they are available to view. Please be aware that these reports are focused on behaviours rather than achievement and should be used to prompt conversations about how students should approach their learning in Term 2. The criteria used in these reports are:
· Prepared for Learning · Engaged in Learning · Agency in Learning · Resilient in Learning
Staffing We are delighted to welcome Ms Angela Guzman who will replace Ms Holman as the Spanish teacher from next term. Ms Guzman comes to Clayfield College with a wealth of teaching experience and recently taught at the University of Queensland. We look forward to hearing about the safe delivery of Ms Holman’s child in the coming weeks.
Student Representative Council - Book and Stationery Drive Thank you so very much to those families who have donated to our Book and Stationery Drive. We gratefully received many items such as preloved books, new exercise books, new pencils, rubbers and rulers. These generous offerings will now be passed on our Fijian neighbours to support communities were impacted by the cyclones at the end of 2020.
Year 6/7 Canberra Government and Democracy Tour - Date Notification Please see attached communication.
Primary Student Services Email – disabled from Wednesday 31 March This year, Primary Student Services and Secondary Student Services have been consolidated and are no longer managed separately This service has been streamlined to be efficiently managed as one Student Services. As previously communicated, emails for Homework Club bookings, student absences, general student enquiries are to be emailed to studentservices@clayfield.qld.edu.au.
Over this term a redirection has been setup for the Primary Student Services email; however, please note that as of Wednesday 31 March both the redirection and Primary Student Services email will be disabled and therefore the primarystudentservices@clayfield,.qld.edu.au cannot to be used.
Please update your email contact for Clayfield College Student Services to studentservices@clayfieled.qld.edu.au.
Andrews Cup Football Trials Please see attached important communication.
Primary Cross Country/Andrews Cup Cross Country Squad 2021 (Years 2-6 Girls and Boys) Please see attached important communication outlining the training and events.
All spectators attending Andrews Cup events are asked to familiarise themselves with the Andrews Cup Code of Behaviour.
Co-Curricular Activities
Term 2 Primary Clubs information will be issued in the first week of next term.
As we end what has been a very busy term, I wish everyone a restful and restorative Easter break. A reminder that tomorrow is a Student Free Day.
Interim Reports will be published on Parent Lounge tomorrow. Parent/guardians will receive an email when they are available. Please be aware that these reports are focused on behaviours rather than achievement and should be used to prompt conversations about how students should approach their learning in Term 2. The criteria used in these reports are:
- Prepared for Learning - Engaged in Learning - Disciplined in Learning - Resilient in Learning
It is worth emphasising that the first two of these criteria (prepared and engaged) are more straightforward than the second two (disciplined and resilient) which require greater maturity and development. A student who has not demonstrated the learning behaviours required in one or more categories should be assisted to set some simple goals in relation to these areas. Subject teachers, Pastoral Care teachers, Heads of Department and Heads of Year can assist students to do this.
Date Claimers for Term 2
Monday 19 April Term 2 resumes Tuesday 20 April PMSA Leadership Lecture for Year 12 students Wednesday 21- Friday 23 Year 10 Camp Thursday 22 April Parent Teacher Night 1 Friday 23 April ANZAC Day Assembly Friday 23 April Elevate Time Management seminars for Year 8 and 9 students Tuesday 27 April Parent Teacher Night 2 Wednesday 28 – Friday 30 April Years 7 – 9 Camps
What's Happening Boarding
End of term came early and somehow most boarders were out the door by 5:00pm on Monday. Thank you to our families for actioning pick-ups and flight changes so quickly and to our amazing staff who worked through the night to get the Boarding House back to where it should be after the mass exodus.
We are looking forward to Term 2 with dormies moving back into the dorms and the launch of the much anticipated Boardingware.
Happy Easter everyone, have a great break.
Kathryn Searle Head of Boarding
Sports Update
QGSSSA Cricket Round 10 Results: 31st March
Unfortunately, the cricket season finished with no further games being played due to the rain and conditions of the fields. This was a disappointing end for all, especially given how well both teams were doing and the improvements they had made across the season. Clayfield and Somerville are still really keen to play the Charity match against each other in relation to the Pink Stumps Day and hopefully this can happen early next term. Further details will come out next term if this event does eventuate. The final place results of our teams will also be posted early next term once finalised. Congratulations and well done to all the girls for your efforts, commitment and improvement, it has been a very positive season of cricket and I hope many of you sign-up again for the 2022 season. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Doris Haddock as Cricket Coordinator, Harsha De Silva and Mark Harris our coaches and Paul Yarrow for assisting throughout the season. Your efforts, enthusiasm, knowledge and passion for the sport and the girls is a significant reason for the success the girls had in their development, confidence and improved performances, well done.
QGSSSA Cross Country Our Inter-house cross country carnival was postponed this week due to the current lockdown. As such we will run the event early next term so we can identify students who have a strong running ability to join our cross-country team.
With only four more weeks of training prior to the QG Cross Country event on 15 May, training will be very focussed and will commence on day one of next term, Monday 19 April for all current runners. Our first session will be a run on the new IH cross country course at Kalinga Park. Over the break we strongly encourage girls to continue with their running and put a few hard sessions in over the two-week break.
Term 2, Week 1 Training sessions.
Monday 6:45am – 7:45am Kalinga Park run Parents to drop girls at Kalinga Park College bus to bring them back to CC. Wednesday 6:45 – 7:45am College oval and Achieve fitness gymnasium. Friday 6:45 – 7:45am College oval and surrounding streets.
Meets Meet No. 3 Tuesday 27th April Rangakarra Recreational and Environmental Centre, Springer St, Fig Tree Pocket. Meet No. 4 Tuesday 4 May Rivermount College, Rivermount Drive, Yatala.
QGSSSA Touch A number of fixtures were cancelled this term so there will be some rescheduled games and others will be classified as a washout due to no schools in the round being able to play. Details of these changes will come out early next term via email, daily notices and the College App. Please ensure the App is downloaded onto your device as it is the most effective way of getting instant messaging out regarding sport.
Attendance at touch training has not been as consistent as it should be and at the start of Term 2, we are expecting that all girls signed up for touch are meeting the expectations that go with their signing up. All girls are expected to attend both sessions each week unless there is a clash that Mrs McGinty and I have been made aware of, or because of illness, where again we have been notified in advance. Sporting teams need all members to be engaged, committed and willing to be challenged for any real success to occur.
Round 4 Friday 23 April.
All games are away against MBC, Whites Hill Reserve, Boundary Road, Camp Hill. A bus will take girls to and back from the venue. Full details will be released early in week 1.
Training details Thursday training will be moved to Shaw Park and we will continue to train at Clayfield on the oval on Tuesday during Term 2.
Training Details - Tuesday 6:15 – 7:45am College Oval All teams. - Thursday 3:20 – 5:00pm Shaw Park All teams.
QGSSSA Football A number of fixtures were cancelled this term so there will be some rescheduled games and others will be classified as a washout due to no schools in the round being able to play. Details of these changes will come out early next term via email, daily notices and the College App. Please ensure the App is downloaded onto your device as it is the most effective way of getting instant messaging out regarding sport.
Round 4 Friday 23 April Opens, Senior A (1), 8A games are away against MBC, Moreton Bay College, 450 Wondall Road, Manly West. A bus will take girls to and back from the venue. Snr A (2) is playing BSHS at Fursden Rd, Carina. The match will be a 4.00pm start Full details will be released early in week 1.
Training details - Tuesday 3:20 – 5:00pm College oval All teams. - Thursday 6:15 – 7:45am College oval All teams.
QGSSSA Gymnastics QGSSSA Artistic Gymnastics Wednesday 31 March. Unfortunately, our teams were not able to compete and the competition had to be cancelled due to the current lock-down. It has been very disappointing for the girls who also missed out last year for the same reason just days out. Thank you to all the girls who have trained so hard, learnt and perfected the routines and challenged themselves in doing so, your efforts are certainly greatly appreciated and acknowledged. It would be wonderful if this event could be rescheduled to later in the year; however, this is a decision for the QGSSSA board and new Executive Officer.
Thank you also to Mr Tim Opstelten, QG Gym Coordinator and coaches Georgina, Jess and Hebe, you have all put so much into the development of the girls and had them ready and eager to compete. Let us hope that we might get an opportunity to showcase this in some form this year.
Winter Sports Start
Our winter sporting schedule commences pre-season training next term and so far we have strong numbers across a range of sports; however, others are still requiring more students to field teams. I am strongly encouraging our Years 7 to 9 students to think about the options available and sign-up. In the younger years, teams are all about development, learning the skills, rules and strategies of a sport. It is a great time to join and learn something new. The sport offerings for our Winter Fixtures are below, please contact Ms Barnes if you want to find out a little more information on each.
- Tennis Currently only a junior and senior team, more numbers are required. - Netball Strong numbers across Years 10 to 12, a few more required for the Years 7 – 9 teams. - Hockey Currently only a junior and senior team; however, more numbers are required. - Volleyball Strong numbers across all teams, but again more Year 7 and 9's required. Training will commence in week 3 of Term 2 for all winter sports.
Volleyball Academy The Clayfield Volleyball Academy will officially commence in Term 2 and currently over 20 girls are registered to be part of the academy. Please see Ms Barnes if you are keen to join and have not yet submitted your paperwork. Our coach for the academy is Amanda Fielding and below is a short summary of her credentials. Amanda is certainly well qualified to head this program and the girls will benefit tremendously from her experience, expertise and passion for the game and empowering young women to fulfil their ambitions.
Academy Coach – Amanda Fielding In 2009, Founder, Amanda Fielding created GIRLSPORT to create additional pathways for the National Women’s Volleyball Team, both in revenue and opportunity.
As the Head Coach of the Australian Women’s Team from 2006 – 2010, Amanda understood both the financial burden of playing for your country and the struggle of balancing a regular job or university with international travel and competition.
Through Girlsport, she established partnerships that benefited the girls in the high-performance system and established relationships with schools, clubs and nationwide organisations that benefit girls in sport to this day.
With a background in Sports Management and High-Performance Coaching, Girlsport evolved into an organisation focussed on projects related to girls in sport, working with key sporting organisations such as the NRL, FFA, RA and FFA both with the organisations and the affiliates. In 2015, Girlsport purchased the management rights to the Sandstorm Beach Volleyball Club in Brisbane ensuring it was one of the very first venues whose work and profits was put back into girls in sport in the hope that the projects in the pipeline were able to be delivered.
Metropolitan North Trials A number of trials due to completed this term have been rescheduled for early Term 2 due to the rain, please see the full list below. Please note the following rescheduled trial dates:
Tuesday 20 April - 10-12 Girls AFL - Zillmere - 14 & 15 and 17 & 18 Rugby League – Banyo Devils Junior Rugby League, Child Rd Nudgee - 13-15 Years Girls Football – North Star FC - 13-16 Years Boys Football - North Star FC
Wednesday 21 April - 10-12 Boys AFL - Zillmere - 17 and 18 Boys Rugby Union – Brothers RU (No Change) - 14 and 15 Girls 7’s Rugby Union – Brothers RU (No change)
Thursday 22 April - 10-12 Boys AFL - Zillmere - 13-15 and 16-18 Boys and Girls Touch Football – Ferny Grove State High School.
The table below lists the sports trials due to be held in Term 2. Clarification of these will be come out from Met North in the next week or two and will be republished again next term. Please note that these dates are for the Met North trial, so Independent North District trials will be in the weeks leading up to the trial or have occurred this term.
If your daughter would like to trial for any of these sports, please contact Ms Christine Barnes via email to collect the student information and nomination pack Cbarnes1@clayfield.qld.edu.au.
Please note that the College is only an access point for our students and most information or queries about these events is best directed to the staff at the Metropolitan North office either via phone or through their email. If you have any further queries don not hesitate to contact me via email or on 3262 0286 during school hours.
Students achievements
State Women’s Artistic Gymnastic Championships Clayfield had a number of gymnasts compete very well at these championships and I have a few of the results that have been sent through that I can report on and acknowledge their incredible achievements.
Eleanor Myers - placed first in Future International in every category (All Around, Uneven Bars, Floor, Beam and Vault). She was also selected for the Queensland Team and will compete at the end of May on the Gold Coast.
Isabella McDonnell-Baum - placed fourth overall and got a bronze on vault in the Senior International Group.
Grace Webb – Due to injury Grace could only compete in the Beam event and remarkably finished 7th in the Junior International group.
Lindsay Webb ( Under 12’s, Level 7) - 3rd overall - 1st on beam - 2nd on floor - 3rd on bars.
School Sport State Swimming Championships
Laura Poon - 50 Free Finals 5th Place - 50 Back Finals 6th Place - 15 Year Girls Freestyle Relays 3rd Split, team 1st Place (Gold) - 100 Free Finals 3rd Place (Bronze and New PB)
Netball Ella Wilkins - chosen for the Representative Under 17 - QCNA Brisbane Premier League Netball Competition.
Skye Wilkins - chosen for Representative under 12 - QCNA and Downey Park State Age Netball Squads
Football Chloe Wilkins - chosen for Under 16 - Moreton Bay Jets - National Premier League Football Competition.
Thank you to everyone who provides information for this section to me each week so that we can publish and celebrate the achievements of these girls. If any students’ achievements have not been mentioned, please ensure you send through an email to cbarnes1@clayfield.qld.edu.au and any pictures if possible so that they can be added to the next edition.
Ms Christine Barnes Head of Health, Wellness and Sport
Volleyball Opportunities @ Clayfield
Dinner at La Cache a Vin auction!
The Clayfield College Sport Support Group would like to thank 2020’s Year 7 families for donating this wonderful auction item. A lunch or dinner for 10 people at La Cache a Vin, what great way to celebrate a special occasion or to have a great time out with friends. The money raised is in support of the Sports Women’s Dinner, so don’t be shy.
INAUGURAL LEADERSHIP LECTURE TO LIVESTREAM: The PMSA is proud to launch the inaugural Annual Australian Leadership Lecture designed for the next generation of leaders - almost 500 Year 12 students from our four PMSA schools Brisbane Boys' College (BBC), Clayfield College, Somerville House, and Sunshine Coast Grammar School - together with their parents and other invited guests.
Because of constantly-changing COVID-19 restrictions, this year's Lecture will take place at 4.30pm on Tuesday 20 April 2021, both in person at Brisbane Boys' College Hall, as well as livestreamed online.
A new PMSA initiative, the Lecture is designed to provide the opportunity for our emerging leaders to come together and listen to the view of an Australian whose life experience is remarkable and whose opinions and concerns about the future of our nation and our world are truly worth considering.
This year's Lecture will be presented by Noel Pearson – an inspirational Aboriginal leader, land rights activist, Chairman of Good to Great Schools Australia, Advisor for the Cape York Partnership, and history and law graduate. Noel will be discussing Australia’s national identity.
The Lecture is available for anyone to watch online live. To register, go to https://loom.ly/9w2lp8s
If you'd like to attend in person at Brisbane Boys' College (BBC), tickets are limited. Please email your interest to join the waitlist at rsvp@pmsa-schools.edu.au. We will email you when seats become available.
CASE Ocean School
All aboard! CASE Ocean School launching now in Australia
CASE Ocean School is a new Australian study program providing students with an all-encompassing STEAM experience focusing on marine biology, ocean ecology, cutting-edge research, and technologies. Delivered using real-life content, CASE Ocean School also focuses on building student’s personal leadership and development skills by improving higher order and critical thinking skills.
CASE Ocean School inspires a new generation of leaders and is recommended to all students, especially those with a passion for adventure and looking to kick-start their career with 21st century skills. Click here to join the Clayfield College expedition: www.actura.com.au/clayfield
Car Park Auction
We are now well into the new year, and the carpark scramble is almost here! On Friday 19th March bidding will open for the online Car Park Auction!
Don’t miss the chance to bid for your very own reserved car park at Clayfield College located behind the Business Office for one whole term!
Skip the daily search for your school car park by bidding for a special, reserved car park that you can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for Term 2, 2021. Don’t stress about drop off traffic and heavy bags, a reserved car park affords you the ease to pick up and drop off your children anytime of the day. The online auction winners will be provided with their very own reserved allocated car park at the College.
About the Reserved Car Park The Car Park is centrally located on the Clayfield College campus behind the Business Office. Access to the College can be made easily and quickly through the gate directly into the Primary school grounds. This position is also handy to the new secondary locker rooms and would be the perfect drop-off and pick-up for busy secondary families. This reserved car park can be used at any time you need to park at the College. This includes parking during the weekdays and weekends and during the school holiday break.
A Car Park Auction – Who Wins? When you bid on a car park, we all win! The winning bidder will have access to a convenient parking space right in the heart of our school, and all our families today and tomorrow will benefit from your investment in our facilities. The Clayfield College Foundation is the philanthropic heart of the College, and as such, it plays a vital role in the College. Funds raised from this auction are directed to the Clayfield College Foundation’s fundraising initiatives. We are delighted to invite you to join in and bid for your reserved car park to support our students’ education.
Auction Terms for the Reserved Car Parks Auction Terms for the Reserved Car Park Auction (Term 4) - Your Reserved Car Park will be available for all of Term 2, from Monday 19 April 2021 through to and including Sunday 11 July 2021 (if you wish to use in the school holidays). - This auction is open and limited to Clayfield College parents, caregivers and staff only. - To bid online, you must register yourself as a bidder. - The highest bidders are to pay their winning bids by Thursday 1 April 2021. Payment can be made by direct deposit, credit card, cash or cheque. - The highest bidders agree to be photographed and published for communication purposes and to acknowledge your generous support.
For any further questions, please contact the Foundation Office by emailing foundation@clayfield.qld.edu.au.