Old Collegians

The Clayfield College Old Collegians' Association (CCOCA) encourages past students – both boys and girls – to maintain their connection with the College community and keeps them informed of the current College activities. It allows past students to foster ongoing friendships and fellowship within its membership.

Since its inception, the CCOCA has been an active member of the College community and it continues its valuable role within the life of Clayfield College, binding members together and maintaining continuity.

Our objectives

Established by Past Principal Miss Nancy Ashburn in 1941, the Association now aims to:

  • Communicate with all past students about College activities.
  • Provide a strong network among past students of Clayfield College.
  • Promote and uphold the valuables and history of Clayfield College.
  • Fundraise and support the College to further advance facilities for current students and future generations.
  • Encourage interest and involvement from past students in the life, activities and progress of Clayfield College.

CCOCA Committee

The CCOCA Committee is elected annually at the AGM held in September, and meetings are held throughout the year.

Position Name
Carolyn Hauff AM, Past Principal 1991-2006
Deidre Brandon (Martin, 1946-1957)
Anna Lloyd (2000 - 2008)
Fleur Wrakuale (2010 - 2018)
Laraine Kelly (Eaves 1960 - 1963), Madeleine Dent (Dent 2009 - 2015), Lisa Guthrie-Quinn (Guthrie 1983 - 1987), Linda Waldock (Harrower 1986 - 1990), Christine Beehler (Cunningham 1981 - 1986), Zahna Fitzhenry (Graham 1998 - 2002), Melanie Wildey (McGhie 1999 - 2005), Melinda Sawers (Sawers 1985 - 1991)

Annual Report 2022

Please click here to view the Clayfield College Old Collegians' Association Annual Report for 2022.

Are you a Clayfield College ‘Old Collegian’?

If so, please send us an email with your details so we can keep you up-to-date with news of the college’s activities and invite you to CCOCA functions.